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Facts & Figures



Jó Hír Hungarian Literature Mission


*  We are a small literature mission printing gospel books and tracts in the Hungarian language.

*  We print 4 to 10 books per year. We do not print anything unless we have the funds to do so.

*  The cost of a 200 page book is roughly $2000.00 for 1000 copies. This includes translation, proofreading, artwork, and printing.

*  Office expenses are approximately $1500.00 per month

*  Gifts to the ministry - Individual giving is a form of worship; it should be done joyously, freely, generously and without internal or external compulsion. Jó Hír does not want to hinder spiritual growth by resorting to man-made fundraising techniques that place people under pressure to give or create false guilt. Rather, we desire that you give voluntarily as the Lord leads.  
We do not seek financial pledges. (2 Cor 9:1-15; 1 Cor 16:1-4; Phil 4:19)
We believe that it is a wise policy for Jó Hír to avoid financial debt, and God has faithfully honored our practice of waiting on Him to meet our needs. In the history of Jó Hír, God has always enabled us to meet our financial obligations on a timely basis without borrowing.

* Gifts may be sent to:       

Christian Missions In Many Lands

P.O. Box 13,

Spring Lake, NJ 07762



All checks/gifts should be made out to Christian Missions In Many Lands and designated to Paul Meehan for the work of the Jó Hír Literature Mission or for personal use.


May the Lord Jesus richly bless you!


All contents are copyrighted.
Do not copy or save any materials from this site unless you receive specific permission from the owner.


Jó Hír (Good News)The Hungarian Literature Mission, Inc.

  email: johirgoodnews@hotmail.com; Web Page: www.johir.com

Jó Rész Iratmisszió Kft., H-1073 Budapest, Dob u. 74, Hungary; 011 361 344 4575