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Frank Sreter


Dr. Frank Sreter, M.D., Ph.D., (Retired), is the founder of ,,JóHír” (Good News) Hungarian Literature Mission. He is retired from Harvard University where he was employed as a medical research doctor. Frank escaped from Hungary during the 1956 revolution with his wife and two young children, when the country was still under communist rule. He immigrated to Canada and eventually settled in the United States. Frank worked in a secular job for most of his life fellowshipping at local Christian churches, including his current church home, Valley Bible Fellowship, Georgetown, Massachusetts. Near the age of 64, he developed a strong desire to serve the Lord and the people of Hungary. He became a missionary to Hungary, commended by Countryside Bible Chapel, Lexington, Massachusetts, and in 1986 he created the organization now known as ,,JóHír”.

Frank is in the Christian Missions in Many Lands prayer hand book.

email: fsreter@earthlink.net

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Jó Hír (Good News)The Hungarian Literature Mission, Inc.

  email: johirgoodnews@hotmail.com; Web Page: www.johir.com

Jó Rész Iratmisszió Kft., H-1073 Budapest, Dob u. 74, Hungary; 011 361 344 4575