„JóHír” (“Good News”), The Hungarian Literature Mission, Inc. December 30 2006
Christmas Greetings in the precious name of Jesus! I pray this letter finds you well and enjoying the mercies of the Lord. Thank you so very much for your ministry to me and for the work of the „JóHír” ministry in Hungary in 2006. Thank you! 1 Th. 5:18; In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. The incarnation - At this Christmas season, we are again reminded of the Savior of the World; of His mission and ministry to mankind; of His humble beginnings in the World He created; His submissiveness to His earthly parents and the will of the Father; His care for humanity; of His practical teaching full of grace and truth, opening our eyes to see the beauty of God and the need of salvation. He began His earthly pilgrimage in a manger low to the ground and ended His ministry lifted up on the cross with His face bowed to the ground, in sorrow, bearing the penalty of the sin of man. Brethren, is this the Savior we wish to be like? He bore the burdens of men; wept with them and carried man’s sin on His shoulders, and bore the full brunt of its wages on the cross. He was despised, unwanted and His precious Name was associated with the lowest of men. Let us lift up His Name and offer it as the only hope for mankind?
Before leaving Hungary on November 29th, I had the opportunity to share the gospel at Szeged Prison. This is the prison of prisons in Hungary. It is where all the hard cases are sent. The security and controls are extreme. It took about one and a half hours to gain entrance. After preparing my program, I had a little over an hour to share the Word of God. There were about 50 men who came to hear the Word; Only 50 men of the 2000 men who are in this worldly prison; fifty men who have a decision to make. Why did they come to this meeting? Have they trusted Christ? Will they trust Christ as their personal Savior? Where will they spend eternity? Will they spend eternity in the prison of the Lake of Fire, or will they make a decision to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior? I believe God has drawn them to this meeting so they could hear God’s Word. They have heard the Word! God’s Word tells us that once it goes forth, it will not return void! The Lord God Almighty has provided the way but He leaves the decision in our hands. May God have mercy on them. There is much to pray for!
What thoughts do we have at this time of year? Are we filled with the stress of this fast paced world? Are we like the men in Szeged Prison? Do we desire to be free? Where are we? Who are we? What is our goal in this life? Are we in our own worldly prison? He is despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: And we esteemed Him not! Are we consumed with the things of this world? Or, do we say…………..
My goal is God Himself … at any cost, dear Lord, by any road.
2006 will soon be history, and the year 2007 is fast approaching, soon to be upon us. We feel its coming and we know it is coming! The last words of Jesus as written in the Bible, “…….Surely, I come quickly. Amen, Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” Are we ready for His soon return?
May the Lord Jesus continue to richly bless you, your family, and your ministry!
In Christ, paul For those who pray: Thank you for your prayers. I stand in awe at how the Lord has continually provided for His work thru the Jó Hir ministry. 2006 has been a unique year for us in many ways. God continually stretched us and prepared us for the many things that have happened. We know that the Lord through your prayers sustains us and allows us to serve Him in Hungary.
Turmoil on the streets of Budapest – As you may know, the political crisis involving Hungary's prime minister/president continues to fester and ferment with demonstrations and protests on the streets of Budapest. Regardless of the outcome, the people of Hungary are suffering with staggering tax increases due to the deplorable economic situation that has a grip on the nation. Many are already hard pressed trying to live in these difficult times with no solution or remedy to be seen in the foreseeable future. Matthew 5:44 "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you”. Please continue to pray for the people of Hungary.We face a battle for truth. So we share the Word as often as possible, wherever possible and as urgently as possible. We translate and publish gospel literature to get the Word of God to places we cannot go and to reach an audience that we do not see. The calendars are a big help towards reaching this goal of bringing the light of the Word of God to the Hungarian people. You would be surprised at the many people who come knocking at our door in October & November requesting the calendars. We received over 32,000 calendars and all but a few have been distributed. Thank you and Please Pray that the Word will sink deep within all who are confronted with it!
Pray - Hungary desperately needs a spiritual awakening, and the government has told the people that 2007 will be a year of real financial hardship for many due to the current deficit reduction measures by the government. Pray for the work of Jó Hir, that we may continue to serve the Lord Christ Jesus, for the 32,000 calendars we have distributed throughout Hungary and in some of the surrounding countries, for the many books we have published ,and for those we are getting ready to publish. Pray for Richard Mittelstadt and for the work he does in providing the calendars. Pray also for Bible Truth Publishers and the much work they do for the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for Frank Sréter, who has undergone some serious health problems this past year. Pray for our many translators, proof readers, and for the print shops we use to produce our literature. Pray that we will translate what the Lord desires us too. Pray for Kiss Veronika who does much of the work of the Jó Hir Literature Mission, and for Éva who helps with much of the clerical work. Pray for Veronika’s father who does not know the Lord. He had a bad experience as a child with the religion he was raised in. Pray for Veronika’s ministry to the Jewish people as she reaches out to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus. Pray for the people who have received the thousands of tracts we have passed out on the streets of Budapest. Pray that God’s Word will sink deep down in their hearts and that they will come to know Christ as their Savior. Pray for the evangelism I do in the many prisons, the streets of Hungary, and the many other places where the Lord allows. Pray for the work I will do, street evangelism, this coming July, with the Word of Life missionary, Tim Good, in Poland. Pray for my upcoming knee surgery, Friday, January 5th. Pray for my language studies. Hungarian is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn. Pray for the work of the Dunakeszi assembly and the work they do thru the Living Hope Foundation. Pray especially for Szabó József és his wife Éva who do much of the work. Pray for the possibility of a larger building for the assembly to meet in. Pray for Zsolt & Kata Greskó who have a heart to serve the Lord thru a ministry to children. Pray for the work of the Budapest Christian library in Hungary and for Andy & Phyllis Anderson who have founded and run the library. Pray for Bill Trimper and the work we will do together in Hungary this coming July. Pray for Barbara, a 12 year old girl who is paralyzed from the neck down, caused by a viral infection. Pray for her salvation and that of her parents. Pray for the ministry of Eric & Lynne Murphy. Please pray especially for Lynne who has MS
There is so much to pray for and the laborers are few…………………….
John 4:35 “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!
Meehan Paul Jó Rész Iratmisszió Kft. 1073 Budapest Dob u. 74. Hungary 011-361-344-4575 Phone/Fax Email - johirgoodnews@hotmail.com Web Site - www.johir.com
„JóHír” (“Good News”), The Hungarian Literature Mission, Inc.
Greetings! Greetings in the precious name of Jesus! I pray this letter finds you well and enjoying the mercies of the Lord.
I have just returned from an international prison ministry conference in Aeschi, Switzerland…..It was a Great time of ministry and fellowship. When in Aeschi, I thought of the words of a well known song, “….the hills are alive with the sound of music…” One can hear the constant ringing of the bells that are worn by the cows and sheep entering and eating in the pastures of the hills. To say the least, the scenery was absolutely beautiful! Some recent Muslim visitors to Switzerland made the comments, “Although beautiful, this is a land without God. We must bring our god to this land!” Please pray as the Lord leads! Matthew 9:37 Turmoil on the streets of Budapest - The political crisis involving Hungary's prime minister/president continues to fester and ferment with demonstrations and protests on the streets of Budapest. Regardless of the outcome, the people of Hungary are suffering with staggering tax increases due to the deplorable economic situation that has a grip on the nation. Many are already hard pressed trying to live in these difficult times with no solution or remedy to be seen in the foreseeable future. Matthew 5:44 "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you”. Please continue to pray for the people of Hungary.I hurt my right knee about three months ago, 1st week in August, and I need to have an operation. I have a torn cartilage in my right knee and am told this type of injury will not heal on its own. In addition to this, I require some minor surgery on my right eye to correct some problems with a lens implant I had some years ago. I pray I will be able to have this done during my recent visit to the states November 29th – March 1, 2007. Please pray!
Jó Hír, publishing – below is a list of books we have recently published and those we are working on:
In The Works or being considered:
John 4:35 “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!
The laborers are few…………………….
Please pray for us as we attend the Christmas book seller’s conference in early December.
May the Lord Jesus richly bless you, your family, and your ministry! J
God bless, paul
Meehan Paul Jó Rész Iratmisszió Kft. 1073 Budapest Dob u. 74. Hungary 011-361-344-4575 Phone/Fax Email - johirgoodnews@hotmail.com Web Site - www.johir.com
March 24, 2006 Greetings to my dear friends in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for the prayers you send up in my behalf! The battle is raging and the time is short! Soon we will be called home to be with our Savior and then this old world will rock with cataclysmic events such as it has never seen before as the wrath of God is pored out upon it. Woe to those who will go through such hard times! L He who has an ear to hear let him hear what the Spirit of God has to say! John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. So many, today, are caught up in the ways of this world and are blind to the things of God. They search, hear and there, for peace to fill the emptiness that is within them while they neglect the one thing that can help, the Word of God. I pray the Lord God Almighty will open the eyes and ears of those who are lost as we approach the soon coming of our Lord Jesus! The time is at hand, we must be diligent to use it to His glory and honor! We must press on towards the high calling of our Lord and work the work that He has set before us. I arrived back in Budapest from the states on Thursday, March 9th @ 10:00AM. After unpacking and then repacking again I began my trip to Germany at 3:00PM the same day. I traveled with Szabó József és Éva in their VW van. I had not slept in almost two days and I was exhausted. As a result, I sacked out on the rear seat of the van and slept most of the way thru Hungary and Austria. We stayed overnight in a friends home in Haag, Germany where I commenced to sleep another 6 hours. With all the sleep I was almost adjusted to the different time zone! J Of course the children, and the adults, had heard that I was a gospel illusionist and I put on a small program. This was the standard for just about everywhere I went in Germany. We had a great time in Germany. Most of our time was spent in Wuppertal and Scheideweg, which are near Cologne. I was able to minister in one prison and several small groups. Two of the groups had about 125 teenagers many of which were not Christians. After the meeting, several of the kids talked with others about their salvation. The Word of God went out in a mighty way. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The purpose of the trip to Germany was to make contact with a German evangelistic team coming to Hungary April 29thy to minister in the prisons. The German team will be in Hungary for about ten days. I will be working with this team when they come into Hungary. Please pray for all the planning that is underway at this time. Please pray specifically for Szabó József who will do the brunt of the planning and the work. Szabó József’s father just went home to be with the Lord. I caught a bad cold about two weeks ago and still have the remnants of a cough that does not seem to want to go away. Please pray about this as I have many requests to speak in a wide Varity of places. Please pray for the many books and tracts we desire to print this year. We have just re published I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris. This book continues to be very popular. We have also printed a flyer advertising the many Elisabeth Elliot books we have printed. We will send this flyer to many of the churches in Budapest and in the surrounding villages. This past Saturday we participated in a Christian Book Fair here in Budapest. It was good to meet publishers we did not know and to work with them in the efforts to distribute Christian literature throughout the country. I covet your prayers for the Lord’s work here in Hungary! Mt 9:37 Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Mt 9:38 Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.
The Chronicles of Paul Meehan Greetings to my dear friends in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ! I pray this letter finds you well and enjoying the mercies of the Lord Jesus Christ. May His name be praised and glorified forever, and forever! J April 6, 2006 Literature – Please continue to pray for the ongoing work of the many books and tracks we have a desire to be published. Our next book, Lord willing to go to print, will be Final Destiny by William MacDonald. We are excited about this and pray it will be out soon. There continues to be a very good demand for two of our new tracts, May I Ask You A Question (Kérdezhetek Valamit), and The Atheist Test (Athista Teszt). These two tracts are very evangelistic! Other literature we are working on: When The Enemy Strikes by Charles Stanley, Two Elisabeth Elliot books, two Radio Bible Class booklets, three books by J. Vernon McGee, Our God is Wonderful by William MacDonald, and much, much more that are in the works. Publishing work is very tedious and time consuming work. We covet your prayers! Evangelism – We received two letters from two young children, (Orsolya Balczer & Tünde Szabó), who recently trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior after reading tracts we have published. We will be sending the girls a copy of Jonathan’s Journey. I was in Baracska Prison where I ministered to ~60 men. It was a good time of ministry and much literature was given away to the prisoners. At the end of the meeting I was approached by a prisoner, (Christian was his name), who shared that he came to know Christ as his Savior about one year ago after he attended one of my evangelistic meetings and after reading some of the literature he received. This man exuded a light that could only have come from the Lord God Almighty! Please pray for Christian. Tomorrow, Friday, I will have an evangelistic meeting at a local church for their youth group. I am told that many teenagers have been invited who don’t know Christ as their Savior. Please continue to pray for the many opportunities the Lord continues to give for sharing His Word.
April 14, 2006 Street evangelism in the underground, @ Blaha Tér, with a mixed group from England, Germany, and Australia. It was very good! J Please pray for the hundreds of people who received, May I Ask You A Question tracts. I gave out about 1000 tracts.
Easter Sunday April 16, 2006 Easter is a major holiday here in Hungary and Easter Monday is a national holiday. I was in Dunakeszi all day ministering the Word this Easter. I preached today on John 13:1-20, 38. I was originally going to preach on Ex. 12, the Passover, but early this morning I was overwhelmed with the urge to preach on the upper room prior to Jesus going to the cross. This passage of scripture was reinforced to me as I took the wrong busz to Dunakeszi and ended up walking about 10 KM…..It was a powerful message and fit in well with the Passover and Easter message. The Lord was very good as one young lady, 15 years old, stayed after to talk to one of the elders about her life of sin. She comes from a very dysfunctional family. Her name is Hajnalka..Please pray for her. This past Sunday, April 23, 2006 I was in Gyömrő, (pronounced “gyerm rer”. The ‘g’ is pronounced like the ‘j’ in the word ‘just’. The ‘y’ is pronounced as in the 1st y in yesterday) which is about 45 minutes outside of Budapest. I preached there and then did a 1.5 Hr. Illusion show. It was fun but exhausting. If I had a title to my message it would have been New Beginnings. Scripture used was, Luke 24:25-27, 38; Luke 22:14-18; Exodus 12:1-13.
April 30, 2006 – May 11, 2006 Working with the Crossroads (German) Prison Ministry Team! This past week+ I have been working with Crossroads Team at the following prisons: Börtön, Ignáez Str., Vác, Gyorskocsi Str., Baracska, Kozma Str., Solt, Esztergom, Márianosztra, Kalocsa, Bernátkút, and Mélykút. I may have missed a few of the prisons? Please pray for all who have heard the Word of God during these meetings. Please pray!
Prayer Request….. The Living Hope Assembly in Dunakeszi, (Testvér Gyülekezet Dunakeszi) Their VW van has died! This van is an integral part of their ministry. The loss of this vehicle seriously impacts their ministry. They simply do not have the funds to purchase a new van. Please pray that funds will be raised to replace this much needed vehicle. Please pray for the workers here, especially Szabó József. He does much work in the community, in the prisons, and reaches out to many all over Hungary and in some of the other eastern block countries. If anyone would like to contribute to this need, they can send the gift to CMML with a note, “for Paul Meehan to be used towards the Dunakeszi vehicle replacement fund. I do much ministry with József and the Dunakeszi assembly. Thank you for lifting me up in prayer! Through your prayer I am able to continue in the work that is set before me……Please pray for the language classes I take three times a week when I am not committed to preaching or evangelizing. Time flies by here with the busy schedule. Thank you! PS – Thank you for the prayers offered up to the throne of God for Frank Sreter. He continues to have much dificulity using his right hand which was affected by his 2nd stroke. He also has trouble speaking as his voice box was scraped during the operation he had in order to help prevent further strokes. Thank you! I plan to return to the states on May 30th returning to Hungary on July 30th. Please pray about this. I am committed June 17 and the 3rd week of July. Until the trumpet sounds or until we communicate again, I look forward to working in the fields of the Lord. The harvest is ripe and needs to be brought into the house of the Lord. May we be diligent in doing the work which we have been called to do. I am humbled in that the Lord allows me to do the little that I do. May the Lord Jesus richly bless you for your much work towards His ministry here in Hungary! God Bless! paul men blasphemed God Revelation 16:21 “And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.” This verse talks about a time of tribulation which is yet future. In spite of all the warnings the Lord gives, the majority of mankind still will not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. As a result, they will spend eternity in everlasting damnation! In our day and age mankind as a whole does not believe in the Lord God Almighty, but, they are quick to blaspheme His holy name in their everyday language. The time is at hand when the Lord Jesus will soon come again to claim that which rightfully belongs to Him and to judge those who have refused His way of salvation. There is much to pray for! The workers who share the Word, are few! Let us obey the Word of God and pray, not in vain repetition as the heathen do, but let us boldly come before the throne of God and…..Phil4:6 “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” May 12, 2006 Just a brief update re our brother Frank. He has much difficulty eating, both with his right hand as well as swallowing. Frank's voice is still a whisper. It is his daughter’s judgment, (she is a doctor), that he will not see any improvement in that she thinks the nerve was cut leading to his voice box. That is all we know at this point. With love in Christ to you all, paul Due to heavy snow in Germany and Austria, the Danube River flooded causing damage to thousands of homes and businesses. Many homes were evacuated for over three weeks.
June 2006 Greetings in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ! I pray this letter finds you well and enjoying the mercies of the Lord Jesus Christ. May His name be praised and glorified forever, and forever! J
I arrived home in the states on May 30th and will be here till July 29th. Please pray for the much traveling I will be doing and the many activities I will be involved in. The Literature Mission – We have many books which are being proofread, typeset, and others that will be off to the printer soon. Lord willing we will print and publish about 10 new books this year. Please pray! Frank Sreter up-date: Frank had experienced several small strokes leading up to the 2 bigger strokes. He is undergoing therapy and has regained some use of his right hand. His voice continues to be just a whisper. He was told recently by a specialist that his vocal cord is dislocated and that there is the possibility he may get back some of his voice if he has more surgery. The surgery is supposed to be very difficult. Please pray as the Lord leads. Please continue to pray for the Dunakeszi Assembly vehicle replacement need. $3,900.00 has been provided thus far. Thank you! May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. With much love and thanks in Christ, Paul “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” It is the sweet nectar that draws the lost to the Lord. The deaf can hear it and the blind can see it! Jn 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
July 5, 2006 Greetings in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ! I pray this letter finds you well and enjoying the mercies of the Lord. Dunakeszi Assembly vehicle replacement need - Thus far we have received $4500.00 towards this need. Thank you for your prayers and for your support of this ministry! I arrived back in the states on May 31st for a two month holiday. It is good to be back to visit with family and friends. The grand children, Maddie - 3 1/2, Brady - almost 1 1/2, Austin – almost 2, and Isabella – 1 year old, are growing fast! J I have plans to return to Hungary on July 29th. While here I had many opportunities to share the ministry. I was at Rutherford Bible Chapel in NJ, Colmar Manor in MD, New Hampshire Ave Gospel Chapel in MD, Brooklyn Bible Chapel in MD, Valley Bible Fellowship in MA, and at a camp in NH. While in MD I stayed with Steve & Chris Schaeffer, (Former missionaries to Papua New Guinea), and had a wonderful time of fellowship. I had some good conversation with Steve discussing the Word. Chris is a professional photographer and does marvels with digital photography. She has been a big help to me with the Jó Hir web site, www.johir.com. The Literature mission – It looks to be an exciting year with many new books coming to print.
Prayer Needs/Requests: Frank Sreter – His upcoming operation on July 17th to attempt to repair his voice box. Due to health concerns Frank will remain in the United States and refocus’ his ministry from his home in New Hampshire. Frank will still be very much involved with the needs of the Jó Hir Hungarian Literature mission. Veronika Kiss – Pray for the salvation of her father Gyozo. Pray for her mother who has health issues. Both are in their 70s. Pray also for Veronika who will go to the Ukraine this Friday, July 7th thru July 12th. She will assist in an old age home for Jewish people who are survivors of the Holocaust of WW II. Veronika will bring many books with her as many of these people speak and read Hungarian. Gábor – A street person in Budapest. He has lived a hard life and feels he must get much better then he is before he can accept the free gift of Salvation. Please pray that I will be given the right words to share with him at our next meeting.
transferred to a step-down unit. She can’t get up by herself and she is like a sack of flour. So far she has been on respirator. Her throat is slit, and a plastic respirator tube is inserted into her trachea deep almost all the way down to the lungs. This tube causes her pain when she tries to swallow. She weighs 50 lbs now. Psychologically she is also devastated. She watches TV all day long, and she can’t get many good things from there, however she was receptive to the gospel 1.5 years ago. Veronika offered to visit Barbara in the hospital and take Jonathan’s Journey to her. Regretfully patient care and rehabilitation are way-way-way behind those here in the US. Probably Barbara would be much more ahead should she be treated in this country? When you pray for her, please remember also her parents, Anthony and Anne, who are not Christians. May the Lord Jesus richly bless you, your family, and you ministry! May He fill you with wisdom as you serve Him! With much love in Christ, Paul
Meehan Paul Jó Rész Iratmisszió Kft. 1073 Budapest Dob u. 74. Hungary 001-361-344-4575 Phone/Fax Email - johirgoodnews@hotmail.com Web Site - www.johir.com
The Chronicles of Paul Meehan…..August 8th 2006 Greetings in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ who is King of kings and Lord of lords! I arrived back in Hungary on July 30th after spending two months in the states. Time is simply flying by. There is much to do and so very little time to do it. I look forward to the adventure when time will be no more! I feel strongly, with every fiber of my being, that the Lord Jesus will soon come back to this corrupt world of ours to establish His kingdom. What a glorious time that will be for those who know Him personally as their Savior. Come Lord Jesus, Come! Rev. 20:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. This past week has been a whirlwind of ministry. Bill Trimper, CA, of International Interns came to Hungary to consider opportunities of bringing short term mission teams in to help minister the Word here in Hungary. With him was Dr. Bob Carpenter (Grace Bible Chapel, CA), and Frank Huston (Park of the Palms Chapel, FL). We spent two days in Pusztamíske and Edelény where Bill searched out his family roots. We had many opportunities to witness and hand out tracts and other literature. Included in the program was ministry in the Kozma u Prison where we shared the gospel with about 100 prisoners and guards, ministry at two assemblies, and a Friday night Bible study. Dr Carpenter gave a great lecture on evolution/creation and Frank provided a wonderful music ministry throughout the week. We indeed were blessed to no small degree with our guests from the states! Thank you Bob, Frank, and Bill! Praise Prayer: Frank Sreter – Had an operation to repair damage to his vocal cords that were damaged in a prior operation. Frank is able to speak again. Praise the Lord! J In is recovering at this time at his home in NH. Please keep him in prayer. (July 18th) The operation was a success as he actually speaks much clearer then ever. His throat is no longer sore, he can drink liquids with no problem, and he is able to eat food much easier. Larry Grundy – A mission trip he had scheduled was canceled for the second time in two years due to violence in Haiti. Please pray for wisdom and guidance from the Lord and that another door will be open allowing him to bring his missions team to that place for ministry. He may even consider coming to Hungary. Gasoline - Pushing $3.00 a gallon where you live? Over $3.00? The prices have also increased in Hungary. $6.07 per gallon for diesel fuel! Gasoline is about 10% higher . . . $6.60 or so per gallon! Natural gas for heating and cooking has been raised by 30%. There will be another hike on January 1, 2007. Please pray as many in Hungary are already hard pressed and burdened with the high price of living! Bogi is a 19 year old woman with some serious drug problems who grew up in a Christian home. I had opportunity to present the gospel to her at the hospital but she did not want to accept Jesus as her Savior. She has attempted to take her life several times. Please pray as the Lord leads. Books – We have many books that will come to print soon. Please pray for this most important part of the missionary endeavor. After hearing the gospel, another man in this same hospital accepted the Lord Jesus as his Savior. J Please pray as the Lord leads. Dunakeszi Assembly – We have received $6,050.00 for their much needed vehicle replacement. Thank you to all who have provided for this need. The Lord is gracious! They have purchased a used Toyota van with the monies received plus a loan. Please continue to pray for this struggling assembly along with their work of the Living Hope Foundation where they reach out to many needy people. With much love in Christ, paul The Chronicles of Paul Meehan…..September 1, 2006 Psalm 57:2 Therefore, I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me. Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me. JJJ Greetings in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ who is King of kings and Lord of lords! August 15 I attended a meeting regarding the increase of terrorism and anti Semitism in Europe, at Budapesti Autonóm Gyülekezet, Gospel Szuterén. A summary of the meeting was that there will be no peace until the Lord returns in all His power and glory. I was able to have some good conversation regarding the Lord Christ Jesus and to hand out some tracts. J It is always a good day when we can share the Word of God! I look forward to His soon return! August 17 Visa request - I processed all my visa papers here in Hungary and once approved I petitioned the embassy in Slovakia to allow me to request a visa thru them rather then traveling back to the states. Once they approved the petition I traveled to Slovakia to request the visa. The Slovakian embassy accepted my paper work, took my money, and said call in about two weeks as they have to send all the paper work to the authority in Hungary and wait to receive it back. Lord willing, it will be approved and I will travel back to Slovakia to receive the visa. I have to think and feel there must be a better way? Éva was in the office doing some admin work when she walked to the sink which is near the room where I keep all my object lessons and illusions. Well, one of my illusions is a 35 foot spring snake squeezed into a small container! I guess the top of the container was not on too secure. As she walked by the room the entire snake came out of its container giving her a fright. I thought this was very funny even when she placed her hands around my neck….. JJ August 21, 2006 The celebration of Saint Stephen, the first king of Hungary who said Hungary is a Christian nation, ended in tragedy. There were about 2 million people gathered together along the Danube River at about 9:20PM, as the awesome fireworks were going off, a major storm front moved thru the city of Budapest. Over 250 people were injured, some seriously as many tried to escape the high winds, rain, and lightning! At last report there were still three people missing who fell into the Danube River. Please pray as the Lord leads. August 26 There was a big celebration called Budapest Day and thousands of people came out to celebrate. They actually had the main part of the celebration on one of the main streets, had it all blocked off, traffic was impossible, and it literally dissected the city in two. It is amazing how they just close off streets to have a celebration!!!!! The Dunakeszi Assembly had a Dunakeszi lázban (Dunakeszi Sports Day) where we had Gulyás soup (my favorite), Football and Volleyball. I did gospel illusions, and the shared the Word. We gave out many books and tracts. Please pray that the people will read the literature and that they will be drawn close to the Lord! It was a great sunny day. There were about 100 people who showed up for the event. They also gave out tons of clothes to the needy. August 29, 2006 International Interns – I spoke with Bill Trimper of International Interns, via Skype, regarding bringing a mission’s team to Hungary next summer. Bill, Bob Carpenter, and Frank Huston recently spent a week here doing some ministry. Please pray as the Lord leads. Thank you! May the Lord Jesus richly bless you this day, Paul „JóHír” (“Good News”), The Hungarian Literature Mission, Inc.
Christmas Greetings in the precious name of Jesus! I pray this letter finds you well and enjoying the mercies of the Lord. Thank you so very much for your ministry to me and for the work of the „JóHír” ministry in Hungary in 2006. Thank you! 1 Th. 5:18; In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. The incarnation - At this Christmas season, we are again reminded of the Savior of the World; of His mission and ministry to mankind; of His humble beginnings in the World He created; His submissiveness to His earthly parents and the will of the Father; His care for humanity; of His practical teaching full of grace and truth, opening our eyes to see the beauty of God and the need of salvation. He began His earthly pilgrimage in a manger low to the ground and ended His ministry lifted up on the cross with His face bowed to the ground, in sorrow, bearing the penalty of the sin of man. Brethren, is this the Savior we wish to be like? He bore the burdens of men; wept with them and carried man’s sin on His shoulders, and bore the full brunt of its wages on the cross. He was despised, unwanted and His precious Name was associated with the lowest of men. Let us lift up His Name and offer it as the only hope for mankind? Turmoil on the streets of Budapest – As you may know, the political crisis involving Hungary's prime minister/president continues to fester and ferment with demonstrations and protests on the streets of Budapest. Regardless of the outcome, the people of Hungary are suffering with staggering tax increases due to the deplorable economic situation that has a grip on the nation. Many are already hard pressed trying to live in these difficult times with no solution or remedy to be seen in the foreseeable future. Matthew 5:44 "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you”. Please continue to pray for the people of Hungary.We face a battle for truth. So we share the Word as often as possible, wherever possible and as urgently as possible. We translate and publish gospel literature to get the Word of God to places we cannot go and to reach an audience that we do not see. The calendars are a big help towards reaching this goal of bringing the light of the Word of God to the Hungarian people. You would be surprised at the many people who come knocking at our door requesting the calendars. We received over 40,000 calendars and all but a few have been distributed. Thank you and Please Pray that the Word will sink deep within all who are confronted with it! Thank you for your help in getting the calendars to us at an early date. This has made a tremendous difference in enabling us to separate, repackage, and distribute prior to the end of 2006. The future will reveal the many that come to know Christ thru this work.
Jó Hír, publishing – below is a list of books we have recently published and those we are working on:
In The Works or being considered:
John 4:35 “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!
My goal is God Himself … at any cost, dear Lord, by any road.
The laborers are few…………………….
2006 will soon be history, and the year 2007 is fast approaching, soon to be upon us. We feel its coming and we know it is coming! The last words of Jesus as written in the Bible, “…….Surely, I come quickly. Amen, Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” Are we ready for His soon return?
May the Lord Jesus continue to richly bless you, your family, and your ministry!
In Christ, paul
For those who pray: Pray - Hungary desperately needs a spiritual awakening, and the government has told the people that 2007 will be a year of real financial hardship for many due to the current deficit reduction measures by the government. Pray for the work of Jó Hir, that we may continue to serve the Lord Christ Jesus, for the 32,000 calendars we have distributed throughout Hungary and some of the surrounding countries, and for the many books we have published and for those we are getting ready to publish. Pray for Richard Mittelstadt and for the work he does in providing the calendars. Pray for Frank Sréter, who has undergone some serious health problems this past year. Pray for our many translators, proof readers, and for the print shops we use to produce our literature. Pray that we will translate what the Lord desires us too. Pray for Kiss Veronika who does much of the work of the Jó Hir Literature Mission, and for Éva who helps with much of the clerical work. Pray for Veronika’s father who does not know the Lord. He had a bad experience as a child with the religion he was raised in. Pray for Veronika’s ministry to the Jewish people as she reaches out to share the gospel of the Lord Jesus. Pray for the people who have received the thousands of tracts we have passed out on the streets of Budapest. Pray that God’s Word will sink deep down in their hearts and that they will come to know Christ as their Savior. Pray for the evangelism I do in the many prisons, the streets of Hungary, and the many other places where the Lord allows. Pray for the work I will do, street evangelism, this coming July, with the Word of Life missionary in Poland. Pray for my upcoming knee surgery. Pray for my language studies. Hungarian is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn. Pray for the work of the Dunakeszi assembly and the work they do thru the Living Hope Foundation. Pray especially for Szabó József és his wife Éva who do much of the work. Pray for the possibility of a larger building for the assembly to meet in. Pray for Zsolt & Kata Greskó who have a hert to serve the Lord thru a ministry to children. Pray for the work of the Budapest Christian library in Hungary and for Andy & Phyllis Anderson who have founded and run the library. Pray for Bill Trimper and the work he will do in Hungary this coming July. Pray for Barbara, a 12 year old girl who is paralyzed from the neck down, caused by a viral infection. Pray for her salvation and that of her parents.
There is much I have not mentioned! Please pray as the Lord leads…………………
Thank you for your prayers. I stand in awe at how the Lord has continually provided for His work thru the Jó Hir ministry. 2006 has been a unique year for us in many ways. God continually stretched us and prepared us for the many things that have happened. We know that the Lord through your prayers sustains us and allows us to serve Him in Hungary. All contents are copyrighted.