Hungary - September 2003Szeretettel köszöntelek benneteket az Úr Jézus nevében! (Greetings, with love, brothers and sisters in the name of the Lord Jesus!) There is much to share and so very little time. The times we live in seem to indicate the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ. May it be soon! Our recent visit to Hungary was great!!! We had many an awesome time sharing God’s Word. I (Paul) learned more of the Hungarian language. Szeretettel köszöntelek benneteket az Úr Jézus nevében! (With love – Greetings – Brothers and Sisters - the Lord Jesus – in the name of). How I usually greeted people in Hungary. The people are very friendly and hospitable!!! Many are very poor, by US standards, but will give you what they have and go without. We had many opportunities to share the Word. Szandaváralja We Shared a powerful message, of what happened at Calvary, in a small village, Szandaváralja, 40 miles east of Budapest, where Feri bácsi (Frank) was born and where his family had owned much land before it was taken by the communists when they took over Hungary at the end of World War II. We had our meeting in the courtyard of what used to be the summer home of Feri bácsi’s family. (The bathrooms were outhouses). I felt like I had traveled back in time to the turn of the 20th century. I might add that it was a very peaceful feeling. The rolling hills and scenery were very pretty. The townspeople put on a BIG Banquet for us and even dressed in traditional Hungarian national costume. A choir of about twenty people sang Hungarian folk songs. There were about 75 townspeople who attended the meeting and others came when they heard the singing. Frank gave a powerful testimony of how and why he escaped from Hungary during the time of the Hungarian revolution, how he arrived in the states, and how and why he formed the ministry of Jo Hir (Good news) Hungarian Literature Mission. He told the people of his hearts desire was to visit one last time the place of his birth so that he could share the message of Jesus. Frank said, “I am 82 years old and I may not have another opportunity to come to Szandaváralja and I am ready to go home to be with my Lord Jesus”. He emphasized very clearly the need for everyone to know Christ as Savior and that this is God’s free gift to mankind! Some of the verses Feri bácsi quoted were, John 14:6 and Acts 4:12 - "Jesus said unto him, I am the Way, the truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved". All present heard the clear presentation of the Gospel!!!! New Testament's were given out to everyone along with other Gospel literature. Everyone eagerly took the books offered! Many in the town desired Feri bácsi’s autograph on the books. We had a great time, the physical food was awesome, and it is always good when we can share God's Word, that spiritual food that nourishes our souls. There were many tears shed by those who heard the old, old, story of Christ paying the penalty for the sin of man! We know their hearts were/are hungry to hear what the Lord of all creation had to share with them. The Lord God Almighty, the light that has come into the world, was/is very gracious! Indeed, very gracious! Please pray for the people of Szandaváralja as they are very "religious" and caught in the bondage of Religion. Pray that their hearts will be softened and that they will respond to the seed that has been sown. God’s Word tells us, “For the Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper then any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”. Hebrews 4:12 DunakesziIn Dunakeszi is a place of ministry to the homeless, orphans, drug addicts, alcoholics, and others. We brought and shared many object lessons that emphisise the need to all that they must come to know Christ as their personal Savior. Christ dying on the cross of Calvary was clearly presented. We had a great time of fellowship! It was interesting in that some of these hardened people also had tears in their eyes as they heard the message of what Christ has done for them. May the Lord Jesus be glorified!!!! Please pray for the ministry, "Living Hope Foundation", and for the many who do not know Christ. God knows their names, their heartaches, their addictions, their mind, and God desires to have them in fellowship with Himself. József Szabó, 2120 Dunakeszi, Alsógödi u. 16/a, Hungary, runs the ministry along with his wife Eve. This ministry is located on several acres of land where they grow flowers and numerous other vegetables that help to support their ministry. They also have a woodwork shop, and a shop where they referbage boats. Please pray for this ministry and for Jozsef and his family. There were many other numerous opportunities to share the Word and much time was spent in prayer. God’s Word is the corner stone of the Jó Hir ministry. Tóalmás Word of LifeWe had a nice visit to Word of Life, Hungary, located in Tóalmás. The camp is under constant renovation. Formally a Castle owned by a wealthy Hungarian family that fled to Vienna near the end of WW II, then taken over by the communists at the end of the War, and used a training center of indoctrination of children to the communist way of life. Needless to say, although beautiful in it’s day, the place was neglected and very run down. It has come a long way since Word of Life purchased it several years ago. We were able to meet with Eric Murphy and Alex Kónya who run WOL and to make arrangements for Jó Hir’s participation in some upcoming conferences and for opportunities to share the Word in 2004. If you visit Hungary you must visit Word of Life! They have a wonderful ministry and they would enjoy seeing you. Their web page is: Ministry MeetingA ministry meeting was held with those who have a critical part of the Jó Hir ministry. They are Kiss Veronika, Nyitrai Éva, Nyitrai Erzsébet, Kisházy Márika, Tórte Ester, Sreter Frank, and Meehan Paul. One of the things discussed is a book we are in the
process of publishing, "The Evolution of a Creationist". Our normal translator,
Márika, who speaks several languages, fluently, did not feel qualified to do the
translation so she suggested 2 others. Please pray for this. There are books in
the Hungarian language on evolution but we feel this book is unique and able to
reach across all age groups. It is sad to say that many in Hungary, including
Christians, believe in evolution. (Why do I feel this is not much different then
in the United States?). Our desire is to have the work completed by the time we
return to Hungary in May. Please pray the translation is good and the proof
reading will not be a burden. Please also pray that we are able to raise funds
for this work as well as for the many other books that are in various stages of
translation, proofreading, artwork, coverwork, typesetting, and or being printed
and published. Some of these books are: McGee New Testament commentaries, Jewish
Doctors Meet the Great Physician, and The search. One such book that will soon
be printed is Joshua Harris’ book, “Boy Meets Girl”. Because the Hungarian
language does not has a work for boy, girl, him, her, we had to come up with an
appropriate title. After no small amount of conversation we came up with the
title of, “Társtaláló”, which being interrupted means, “partner searching”.
Everyone is very excited about the book and the title. Two other books Jó Hir
recently came out with are "Hints On Child training" and "Don't Forget The
Children". Please pray for Tamas Fule who does much of our typesetting and
artwork! Please pray for Jutka Ojj who was our host.
This page last updated on:
01/09/2008 08:06 PM