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Veronika Kiss

Introducing myself,

Introducing myself,

I am a graduate of the University Of Economics in Budapest, Hungary. I also have a diploma from The International Training Center For  Bankers and worked in the banking industry in the 1985-1999 period. I thought life was offering me all the  opportunities in our capital, professionally, culturally and socially. Yet inside I felt emptiness, loneliness and purposelessness.
Let me start with sharing with you how I got involved in
"Jó Hír" (Good News Hungarian Literature Mission in Budapest) including my brief testimony.
I was born into a non-Christian home. After I came to live in Budapest, a number of my neighbors were believers and they kept inviting me to their Brethren Assembly. It was there that during a sermon I realized my sinfulness and God's love in sacrificing his only Son. In the Spring of 1989 I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Lord. I became a member the Assembly and soon my mother followed suit.
I joined a group of young people in the Assembly, who had a burden for youth on the wrong track. We brought the love of Jesus to them as we talked about the key issues they struggled with as they roamed the street without any support. Most of them had no family and were brought up in orphanages for abandoned youth, many of them with time in prisons. Following the example of some families opening their doors to show them a pattern of family life, I and another sister in the fellowship took in young women, often with their child or children to provide them with friendship and care.
We studied the Bible with them, helped them with hygiene, baby care and how to maintain a neat household. We also helped them in finding jobs and showed them ways of spending free time in godly, creative ways. I did this, while having a fulltime job. Eventually there was an opportunity in the countryside to open youth communities, one for men and one for women. Unfortunately I was bound to my job and could not follow them.
Eight years ago I joined a small bible study group, which eventually developed into a fair size Assembly. I worship there since its start and lead bible studies for children. I also help two gypsy children with their studies, food and clothing.
At work everything revolved around money and I felt increasingly uncomfortable with that environment even though I was at a financial and career peak. I prayed for the Lord's guidance and His answer came through having become redundant in the Fall of 1999. I wondered: should I learn a new profession? Should I teach children? Should I help taking care of sick people in a hospital? Many asked: are you serious about leaving a paying job? I placed my future in God's hand and felt His peace about where and when He shows His choice of work and place for me.
In May 2000, Dr. Frank Sreter founder of "Jo Hir" (Good News) Literature Mission visited our  Assembly. I knew him from a free evangelical church, where he was guest preacher from time to time. In a conversation, I told him, I am looking for my new service post in God's work. He shared that he was looking for an associate. So we went to the headquarters of his literature mission and he gave me an introduction to the ministry. He explained the mission, the work and the tasks. After this we prayed that the Lord would lead us to His guidance. I promised Dr. Sreter to pray and ask for God’s guidance. A few days later I read Exodus 14:13 "Don't fear, stand still!" In verse 14 God says "hold it!" I said to myself: how long should I hold? He answered in verse 15: "Why do you cry to me? Get going!" So I did take the job at the Literature Mission in July 2000 and never regretted that I gave away my livelihood to work for the Lord Jesus.
In June 2001 at the orientation program of the CMML Missionary Conference I received enough inputs to be reaffirmed as a missionary for the Lord. May His Name be praised!

The purpose of our Mission:
To help people in Hungary and Hungarian speaking minorities in neighboring countries find the Lord and grow in him, with the help of excellent Christian literature translated into the Hungarian language. We choose the literature, publish, and distribute it by our non-profit organization supported by Christians.
So far we have distributed approximately 50.000 books (60 titles) and hundreds of thousands of tracts (30 titles).
Recent events
We were pleased to have had Elisabeth Elliot visit us in May 2002 who gave excellent talks on her Christian life experinces and her mission as we visited Hungarian, Gipsy and Romanian congregations in Transylvania (Romania - formerly part of Hungary) and Hunagary. We traveled with a minibus, also accompanied  by Dr. Frank Sreter, founder of our Mission and Mr. Barna Kovacs, one of the leaders of "Child Evangelism Fellowship"in Romania, and the organizer our trip, who led us to eight significant cities: Satu Mare, Acas, Zalau, Cluj-Napoce, Sibiu, Arad, Timisoara and Oradea.
Elisabeth held 13 meetings, attended by more than 5500  Romanians, Gypsies and Hungarians. She had five Christian radio interviews, visited quite a few in a home for the elderly and met about 70 missionaries. The sale of  our several thousand books indicate the great interest in Christian literature, both in Hungary and Transylvania.
 We also introduced Elisabeth's new book, "Keep A Quiet Heart" at a Hungarian Commercial TV channel.
It was a thrill to see and hear so many young people take the missionary command in Matthew 28:19-20 so seriously. They lead bible studies, helping their peers turn  from drugs and alcohol to a life with Jesus. In Acas a Gypsy lady prayed for missionaries to rise from her people.
We ask you all to back us up with your prayers to bring a wave of new commitments to our Lord in this area, since there are 2200 villages and towns in Hungary without born-again churches.
 In the Name of our Lord,

Veronika Kiss


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Jó Hír (Good News)The Hungarian Literature Mission, Inc.

  email: johirgoodnews@hotmail.com; Web Page: www.johir.com

Jó Rész Iratmisszió Kft., H-1073 Budapest, Dob u. 74, Hungary; 011 361 344 4575