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Jonathan, born with severe physical and mental disabilities, knows he is different from other children. But over the course of one extraordinary evening, he discovers that he is no different from anyone else when it comes to receiving God's gifts.

Late one night, Jonathan is awakened by Jesus, who whisks him away on a fascinating night-long journey through space and time. Jonathan – who has found he is able to walk and speak and see while with Jesus – is filled with many questions on their unforgettable travels as he witnesses important events in the lives of Noah, Abraham, Moses, and of Jesus Himself.

As Jesus lovingly answers Jonathan’s curiosity by recreating major events of the Bible, His alternating expressions of joy, anguish, anger, and tenderness reveal His intense, faithful love for man… and for Jonathan.

Adults and children alike will gain a renewed understanding of the magnitude of God's perfect love through this beautifully written and touching story.


More comments, from the author....

Jonathan’s Journey is a simple, heart-warming, and highly emotional story about a child who is profoundly handicapped with cerebral palsy, but who comes to know the Lord in a very special way — when Jesus visits him in the night and takes him on a journey through time and space, personally explaining the stories of the Bible and the path of salvation.

This theologically conservative and evangelistic story tells of Christ’s redemption of man in a simple manner. It begins with Creation and the fall, and spotlights several Old Testament pictures of Christ—the sacrifice of Isaac, the Passover, and Moses’s brass serpent. 

Jonathan discovers the true significance of these illustrations at the cross, and the book ends with a glimpse of the majesty of Christ as described in the book of Revelation. 

Throughout the story, Jesus is clearly portrayed as Creator, Lord, Savior, and King, and His loving plan of salvation is unmistakable.

This is an unusual book in that it appeals to readers of all ages.  Children love the fantasy aspects of the story -- walking on the water with Jesus and Jonathan, climbing the rainbow, sailing on a boat made from the silver moon.  Older children and teens will get more from the reading, taking away truths of a deeper spiritual nature.  And adults will come away with an even deeper understanding of the love God has for them.  It can be read and enjoyed at many levels.

A wonderful "read-to-your-kids" book!   Recommended for ages seven through adult.




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Jó Hír (Good News)The Hungarian Literature Mission, Inc.

  email: johirgoodnews@hotmail.com; Web Page: www.johir.com

Jó Rész Iratmisszió Kft., H-1073 Budapest, Dob u. 74, Hungary; 011 361 344 4575